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EU specialists for the Ortenau region

Over 300 applications for vacancies in the Ortenau catering and hotel industry within the first two weeks: this is the first result of the “Black Forest Career” initiative. marketing campaigns in numerous countries, the regional business development and location marketing agency Nectanet wants to counteract the shortage of skilled workers locally, as stated in a press release. This would involve the targeted recruitment of workers for the catering and hotel industry, including chefs, bartenders, hotel managers and event planners. Promote tourism Nectanet press officer Petya Zasheva explains the motivation behind the project: “It is a free service from us for all businesses. Tourism is an important location factor and as a regional economic development agency, we want to actively support the hospitality industry.” In Ortenau, every seventh job is related to tourism. This is why “mainly cross-media with a digital focus” is used to recruit workers for the hotel and restaurant industry. All guesthouses and hotels listed for the campaign receive new applicants every week. “This has been very well received by restaurateurs,” says Zasheva. She is satisfied with the current status: “Within two weeks, we have received 300 applications, most of them from Hungary and Romania. There are no hurdles for workers from other European countries, they can start working here in the region straight away.” Raphael lvlüller from the Marktscheune in Berghaupten, for example, has had positive experiences: “The ‘Black Forest Career’ has been open for three weeks, for example, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel, especially for the hotel and catering industry and for me.” For the first time in a long time, he has had access to promising applicants, in this case from Hungary and Romania, “where we already have some in the team and have had very good experiences”. He registered the market barn via Nectanet and had it listed on the platform. He now receives an overview of around 15 potential applicants once or twice a week. “We sift through them and see who might be of interest to us.” Then he makes contact. Simple procedure If everything fits, accommodating the new employees in the Black Forest can be another hurdle. It’s not our main job to provide accommodation here,” explains Müller. “Here, too, we are in close contact with Nectanet, who have access to a very large network.” Meanwhile, the bureaucracy is kept to a minimum. “There are always a few forms to fill out,” says Müller. However, the procedure for applicants from Hungary or Romania is relatively “simple and straightforward.” Interested catering businesses and hotels can register for inclusion in the mailing list at the following link:

An article in the Mittelbadische Presse.