History of the company

Steady growth
Top in Baden-Württemberg
Thanks to its network, nectanet is by far the largest business development organization in Baden-Württemberg - with 53 shareholders and over 180 companies on the business advisory board.

Pioneer: first region in Europe with an associative brand name
Brand strategy change

Fit for the future
Strategic realignment
What must location marketing achieve in the future, what activities must business development 4.0 include? Guided by these questions, shareholders and the Economic Advisory Board conducted an intensive reassessment of the goals.

Renaming of the company
Economic Region Ortenau GmbH
The region with all its diversity is put first in this step. Large and small municipalities unite behind the regional term Ortenau.

Further growth ahead
On course for growth
The company has 51 shareholders and 120 members on the Economic Advisory Board.

Formation of a GmbH
WRO Economic Region Offenburg/Ortenau GmbH
The GbR becomes a GmbH. A total of 37 shareholders support the path of regional economic development and joint location marketing.

Support from the business world
Foundation of the Economic Advisory Board
Visionaries from the regional business community found the Economic Advisory Board. The aim of the advisory board is to support the municipal shareholders on their path to joint economic development.

Municipalities receive encouragement from the business community
Foundation of "Förderkreis Regionalbewußtsein"
A group of entrepreneurs is being formed to support the municipalities on their way to coming together.

Coming together between municipalities
Foundation of the economic region Offenburg/Mittelbaden GbR
The district and the large district towns initiate the establishment of a regional development company with the aim of joint location marketing.