black forest health
Junior doctors
Optimal medical care is an important location factor. We also provide a contribution to this. Together with our partners AOK, Kreisärzteschaft, Health Department and Ortenau-Klinikum, we address the target groups and inspire enthusiasm for employment in the Black Forest Power Region.
The contribution from nectanet
We use our marketing expertise to design and implement the overall communication concept. This includes the complete revision of the previous initiative, the creation and maintenance of a landing page, the target group definition and approach and the creative work through to the graphic realization. As an event specialist, nectanet is also involved in the conception and implementation of the planned events.
Immerse yourself in the Black Forest with a medical deep dive
Our black forest health initiative serves to build and maintain a target group community of prospective doctors and nurses. We are maintaining the deep dive into the regional healthcare landscape that we have successfully practiced for ten years. Interested students can apply for one of the coveted free places for an exciting and entertaining weekend in the Black Forest Power Region.
Become part of the black forest health community
Are you interested in our initiative? Feel free to register and come along to one of our events at the next opportunity.